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Dyno Nobel’s 2024 Underground Drill and Blast Academy a resounding success

Nov 19, 2024

Dyno Nobel recently held its annual Underground Drill and Blast Academy in Perth, Western Australia, hosting over 25 attendees from both international and Australian destinations. 

This annual event hosted by DynoConsult provided attendees with a three day forum to see, learn and network with other underground operators from Australia, and International operations. Subject matter experts from DynoConsult were on hand to lead discussions and workshops covering all aspects of underground mining methods, with an emphasis on drilling, blasting and production.

The Academy, held over three days, was structured to provide participants with increased knowledge on the application of commercial explosives to all aspects of underground mining and advanced blasting techniques. Topics ranged from rock breakage science, stoping and caving methods, development optimisation, slot and main ring designs, and narrow vein mining methods. Discussions also extended to charging QAQC and drilling, blasting reconciliations and the application of new technologies.

“The Underground Drill and Blast Academy provides a forum where participants from different operations can build their knowledge and also share their experiences and challenges” explained David Gribble, Dyno Nobel’s Vice President of Product and Technology. “Our DynoConsult experts share best practise and facilitate workshops where the group can discuss their individual operational challenges from a variety of operations and mining methods”.

“The interaction during the workshop sessions from all participants was fantastic” said Edward Wargem, Senior Technical Consultant, DynoConsult. “The breadth of experience and common challenges that are faced by the participants resulted in broad discussions and learning for the whole group.”

The academy concluded with a fun and relaxing afternoon of golf at the driving range, providing a perfect opportunity for attendees to network and unwind.

Participants of the 2024 Dyno Nobel Underground Drill and Blast Academy.

If you’re interested in learning more about the course and want to join us for the next one, follow the link below.